24 Hour Bail Bonds:

Los Angeles: 323-547-8786 | Orange County: 714-541-1155 San Bernardino: 909-381-3899 | San Diego: 619-381-4859 | Riverside: 951-445-4155

24 Hour Bail Bonds:

Los Angeles: 323-547-8786

Orange County: 714-541-1155

San Bernardino: 909-381-3899

San Diego: 619-381-4859

Riverside: 951-445-4155

justice bail bonds

Pine Valley

After your arrest, you will remain in custody until your arraignment, where you will enter a plea. A bail hearing then follows the arraignment. During the bail hearing, the judge will review the details and evidence of your case. The judge will consider factors, including the severity of the alleged crime, your prior criminal history, and the likelihood of you fleeing the jurisdiction. Additionally, the judge will assess whether you present a risk to public safety. The judge will later decide whether to release you on bail or keep you in custody until trial. You could get a bail bond to secure your release if the judge sets bail.

If you or someone you love is arrested in Pine Valley and requires bail bond services, contact Justice Bail Bonds for assistance.

Bail Hearings in Pine Valley

The court can take one of the following three actions at a bail hearing. The choice depends on the facts of your case:

  1. Release You on Your Own Recognizance (O.R. Release)

Release on your own recognizance, or O.R. release, means the court releases you from custody. The court will not require you to post bail or pay any money to the court. Alternatively, the courts could grant your release on the condition that you sign a written undertaking to attend all necessary court hearings. Further, you will agree not to engage in illegal activity while out of custody.

An O.R. release is typically granted for less serious crimes or to defendants with strong ties to the community. Further, courts do not consider defendants on O.R. release a flight risk or a danger to public safety. The judge decides to grant an O.R. release at the bail hearing. A judge could issue a warrant for your arrest if you fail to appear in court as required.

An O.R. release is a privilege. Defendants released on their own recognizance must take their court appearances seriously. Moreover, they should comply with all conditions of their release.

  1. Require the Defendant to Post Bail

The court could set a bail amount and require defendants to post bail to secure release. The money paid to the court as bail guarantees they will appear for all the necessary hearings. The court sets the bail amount based on the severity of the charges. The judge can impose the amount outlined on a bail schedule. Alternatively, he/she can issue a value higher or lower than the amount on the schedule.

If the defendant posts bail, he/she will be released from custody pending the resolution of their case. However, the defendant is required to adhere to specific terms of the release, including:

  • Staying within the court's jurisdiction,
  • Attending all required court hearings, and
  • Not engaging in any illegal activities.

A judge could revoke bail if the defendant fails to comply with these conditions. They will also be taken back into custody.

The bail amount can be posted in cash, property, or through a Pine Valley bail bondsman. If the defendant posts bail in cash, he/she will receive the total amount back at the end of their case. However, they comply with all the conditions of their release.

The defendant can pay a non-refundable fee, typically around 10% of the bail value, to the Pine Valley bail bonds company if they choose to post bail through a bail bond. This company will provide the total amount of the bail to the court. The bail bond dealer could require the defendant to provide collateral, like property or a bond, to secure the bond.

If the defendant does not appear in court as mandated, they will lose the bail they posted. The courts will then issue a warrant for their arrest.

  1. Deny Bail and Release Entirely

In some cases, the court could deny bail altogether. The defendant will be instructed to stay in custody until their case is resolved. This is typically done in cases where the defendant faces charges for a violent felony. Examples of these felonies include murder, terrorism, and sexual assault. However, the court must determine that there is a significant risk that the defendant poses a danger to the community if released on bail.

Consequently, the defendants could endeavor to have the case dismissed based on that argument. He/she could be held in jail or transferred to a prison facility if they are ultimately convicted and sentenced.

Denying bail is serious and is typically done only in extreme cases. If the courts deny the defendant bail, the defendant could appeal the decision in a higher court. Alternatively, he/she could seek other legal remedies to challenge their detention.

Humphrey Hearing

In March 2021, the California Supreme Court ruled in the case of In re Kenneth Humphrey. The court addressed using cash bail in the state's criminal justice system. The court ruled that defendants could not be detained based solely on their inability to afford bail. Clear and convincing evidence must show that detention is necessary to protect public safety.

The court acknowledged that the traditional use of cash bail serves as a means to ensure that defendants appear for their trial and do not pose a flight risk or a danger to the community. However, the court recognized that the current system frequently results in defendants being detained based on their financial inability to post bail rather than any actual risk they pose to the public.

Consequently, the court mandated that judges consider a defendant's financial capacity when determining the bail amount. They must also consider other means of ensuring a defendant's appearance in court and protecting public safety. These options can include electronic monitoring, community supervision, or other conditions of release. This ruling has been seen as a significant step towards reforming the cash bail system in California.

How to Secure Pine Valley Bail Bonds

Bail bonds are viable alternatives to using your finances or assets to secure your pre-trial release. To obtain a bail bond, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Find a bail bond company — Pine Valley has many bail bond companies. You need to do some research to find a reputable one. You can search online or ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have been through the bail process before.
  • Provide information — Once you have found a bail bond company you want to work with, the company will require you to provide some basic information. This includes your or your loved one’s name, the charges you or they face, and the detention facility's location.
  • Complete paperwork — The bail bond company will provide you with some paperwork. You must go through all the terms and conditions. If you are satisfied and comprehend the legal implications. Only then can you sign the agreement.
  • Pay fees — To secure the bond, you must pay a fee, typically a percentage of the bail amount. Most Pine Valley bail bond companies charge a 10% fee. This fee is non-refundable, even if a judge ultimately dismisses the case or the defendant is found not guilty.
  • Provide collateral — In some cases, the bail bond company could require collateral to secure the bond. This ensures they will be reimbursed if the defendant fails to appear in court as needed.
  • Wait for release — Once the bond is secured, the bail bond company will arrange for the defendant's release from custody. This process can take several hours, depending on the location and workload of the detention facility.

Advantages of Using Pine Valley Bail Bonds

There are several reasons why bail bonds are an excellent pretrial release option. One of the main advantages of bail bonds is that they allow defendants to secure their release without paying the value of the bail set by the court. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who cannot afford bail.

Other advantages include the following:

  • Cost savings — Bail bonds typically require defendants to pay only a fraction of the total value. This can save them a significant amount of money.
  • Access to professional advice — Bail bond companies are licensed professionals. They provide defendants with guidance and advice on navigating the criminal justice system. Additionally, they have access to several defense attorneys and can help you contact them.
  • Faster release — In some cases, bail bondsmen can help defendants secure their release from custody more quickly than if they were to pay the full bail amount themselves. Additionally, bail bond companies operate 24/7. That means they can process your release regardless of when you were arrested.
  • Flexibility — You can obtain bail bonds for various charges. Bail bond companies tailor bail bonds to meet each defendant's needs. The severity of the offense is no obstacle. If the bail bondsman can meet the bond value, he/she can secure your release.
  • Reduced risk of asset forfeiture — If a defendant pays the entire bail amount themselves and subsequently fails to appear in court, they risk forfeiting the whole amount. With a bail bond, the risk of asset forfeiture is typically lower.

Drawbacks of Using Pine Valley Bail Bonds

While bail bonds can offer several advantages, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Collateral requirements — Bail bondsmen could require defendants to provide collateral to secure the bond. It poses a risk to your property or your co-signers property or asset. The bail bondsman will repossess the collateral and dispose of it. This move ensures the bondsman recovers the value of the bond forfeited by the court owing to the defendant’s failure to appear.
  • Risk of revocation — Failure to appear is the fundamental reason a bail bondsman could revoke a defendant’s bond. However, other bail bondsmen could revoke the bond if the defendant or his/her co-signer violates any of the terms and conditions in the bail bond agreement. Once the bondsman cancels your bond, you risk returning to jail unless you secure another bail bondsman.
  • The tedious and time-consuming process to find a reputable bonding company — Like any other industry, there are potential bad actors in the bail bond space. It is crucial to do research and due diligence. It ensures you work with a trustworthy and reliable company. This process can be overwhelming, especially for first-time bail bond seekers. You must review information from the company and past clients before identifying reputable players.

How to Identify the Right Bail Bondsman

Identifying a reputable and experienced bondsman is critical. Doing so ensures that you work with a trustworthy and reliable professional who can help you navigate the bail process effectively. Here are some tips to help you identify the right company:

  • Check for licensing and certification — Bail bondsmen are typically required to be licensed and certified by the state or local government. California’s Department of Insurance regulates bail bond operations in California, including Pine Valley. Check their website to verify a bond dealer’s license status to ensure the bail bondsman you are considering is properly licensed.
  • Look for a track record of success — A reputable bail bondsman should have a track record of success in helping clients secure release from custody. Look for reviews and testimonials from past clients, and ask the bondsman for references or case examples.
  • Ask about fees and payment plans — Be wary of bail bondsmen who charge unusually low fees or require payment upfront. A reputable bondsman should be transparent about their fees and payment plans. Additionally, he/she should be willing to work with you to find a payment plan that fits your budget.
  • Check for responsiveness and availability — A reputable bond dealer should be available to answer your questions and provide support throughout the bail process. Look for a bondsman who is responsive to your calls and emails. He/she should also be open to meeting with you if necessary.
  • Ask for recommendations — Ask friends, family members, or other legal or law enforcement professionals for recommendations for a reputable Pine Valley bail bondsman.

By taking the time to research and vet potential bail bondsmen, you can ensure that you are working with a professional. Ensure your pick helps you navigate the bail process effectively and secures your freedom.

Failure to Appear

When a defendant fails to appear for a scheduled court date, the judge can issue a bench warrant for their arrest. Therefore, law enforcement officers can arrest the defendant at any time. These officers will then present them in court to face the charges against them.

Once the judge issues a bench warrant, the defendant must surrender to law enforcement authorities. The longer they wait, the more serious the consequences can become.

In addition to the risk of arrest, failure to appear can result in "failure to appear" (FTA) charges. This charge carries penalties, including fines, community service, probation, and even jail time.

The bail bond company will be involved if a defendant is out on bail when they fail to appear. The company will hire a bounty hunter to locate and return the defendant to court. Alternatively, they could revoke the bail bond. This forces the defendant to pay the entire amount.

Bounty Hunters

Bounty hunters, or bail fugitive recovery persons, are typically hired by bail bond companies to locate and apprehend defendants who have skipped bail. They use various methods to track fugitives, including surveillance, investigative work, and sometimes even physical force. Popular TV shows portray bounty hunters as rough and aggressive. However, they are bound by specific legal and ethical guidelines. They must operate within the boundaries of the law.

Bounty hunting is legal. Bounty-hunting activities are subject to industry regulations and restrictions. The California Department of Insurance licenses bounty hunters.

Bounty hunters have the legal right to enter a defendant's property without a warrant, provided they possess reasonable cause to believe the defendant is inside. Before entering the property, individuals must identify themselves and declare their intention. They must not use too much force or engage in any harassing behavior.

When capturing fugitives, bounty hunters must adhere to particular directives. For instance, bounty hunters must furnish the offender with an arrest warrant or a certified copy of the bail bond before arresting an individual. They must also turn the fugitive over to law enforcement officials within a specific timeframe.

Pine Valley Jail and Courthouse Information

Jail Information

San Diego County Sheriff's Department Pine Valley Substation

28696 Old Hwy 80
Pine Valley, CA 91962
(619) 938-8400

Courthouse Information

Superior Court of California - San Diego County

250 East Main Street
El Cajon, CA 92020
(619) 456-4100

Find a Reputable Pine Valley Bail Bondsman Near Me

Are you looking for Pine Valley bail bonds?

You must contact a reputable bond dealer immediately to secure your pre-trial release. Choose a bail bondsman with a proven record of securing pre-trial releases quickly and efficiently. At Justice Bail Bonds, we offer bail bond services 24/7. Our team is ready to assist you in resuming your everyday life and preparing for your trial. The California Department of Insurance licenses us. Additionally, we have a proven track record of reliable services. Contact us today at 714-541-1155 for more information.