24 Hour Bail Bonds:
Los Angeles: 323-547-8767 | Orange County: 714-541-1155 San Bernardino: 909-381-3899 619-381-4859 San Diego: Riverside: 951-445-4155
24 Hour Bail Bonds:
Los Angeles: 323-547-8767
Orange County: 714-541-1155
San Bernardino: 909-381-3899
San Diego: 619-381-4859
Riverside: 951-445-4155
Posted on Oct 15th, 2020 by
"If Prop 25 passes, people could remain locked up indefinitely as bureaucrats face backlogs in service. Like other overburdened government bureaucracies such as the DMV, delays in the justice system could keep people locked up for days, if not weeks. Prop 25 eliminates the quickest pretrial release option for every Californian. The 8th...
Posted on Oct 13th, 2020 by
The California State Legislature estimates that eliminating the bail bond industry will likely cost “hundreds of millions of dollars per year”. Replacing bail bond agents with county probation officers is estimated to cost local city and county governments approximately $900 million yearly. In addition to reducing state tax revenue by $21...
Posted on Oct 13th, 2020 by
Proposition 25 is unfair, unsafe and costly. Read why civil rights groups, law enforcement, victims’ rights advocates and county officials all say NO ON PROP 25. Learn more at Stopprop25.com
Posted on Jun 19th, 2020 by
As people have been forced to stay at home during the COVID-19 crisis, families have found themselves in uncharted waters when it comes to childcare and education. Nearly every family in the United States has found themselves forced to homeschool their children, and not everyone has been happy with the situation. As tensions in homes and...
Posted on Jun 19th, 2020 by
If you or someone you love is facing charges for child abuse, one of the first steps is to get them out of jail, where they can repair relationships, seek behavioral help if it is needed, and deal with the legal implications of the charges against them. Bail for Child Abuse Bail is the fastest way to get someone out of jail when they are...
Posted on Jun 19th, 2020 by
In the State of California, PC 273(a) lays out the crime of Child Endangerment and outlines the possible punishments for someone found guilty of this crime. Most often, Child Endangerment is charged along with other crimes, such as child abuse or domestic violence. Child endangerment may be an enhancement to a charge of Driving Under the...
Posted on May 7th, 2020 by
On April 6, 2020, emergency orders were issued by the Judicial Council in Sacramento that eliminated bail for most arrestable offenses in California. These measures were intended to reduce jail populations during the novel coronavirus pandemic that has been affecting California, and all of the US, since late January 2020. The judicial...
Posted on Apr 30th, 2020 by
Amid the worldwide Cornoavirus pandemic, California and most other states in the US have been under some version of “Stay at Home” orders in an effort to “flatten the curve” of the virus. The novel (so named because it has never been seen in human populations before) coronavirus was first noted in Wuhan, China in late December but soon was...